The Indonesian authorities announce the crash of a passenger plane with 62 people on board

The Indonesian authorities announce the crash of a passenger plane with 62 people on board

The Indonesian authorities announced today, Saturday, that a passenger plane carrying 62 people had crashed after it fell into the sea in one of the islands of the capital, Jakarta.

This came in a statement by the Indonesian Minister of Transport Bodi Kariya Sumadi after losing contact with the Boeing plane, as it was heading from Jakarta to Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan province.

Sumadi said that the plane was carrying 50 passengers, including 10 children, as well as 12 of their crew.

In a statement, the Indonesian authorities said that debris believed to be from the missing plane between the islands of Laki and Lansang in the Thousand Islands region of Jakarta.

Earlier in the day, a statement issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Transport said that a Boeing 737-500 passenger plane took off from Jakarta on a domestic flight, and lost contact with the control tower, minutes after it took off.

For its part, Sriwijaya company, which belongs to the ill-fated plane, as part of low-cost flights, said that it is conducting an investigation. 

In October 2019, 189 people were killed when a Boeing 737 MAX belonging to Lion Airlines crashed in the Java Sea 12 minutes after taking off from Jakarta on an hour-long flight.