3 prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails

3 prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

Three Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons continue their open hunger strike to protest their continued detention.

The Palestinian prisoners ´ club said in a statement on Thursday that the administration of the Israeli occupation camps transferred the prisoner Omran al-Khatib, 60, who was on hunger strike 33 days ago from the prison  "Ohlikdar " to the prison clinic "Ramleh ".

The Prisoner of Al-Khatib (from Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip) was on a hunger strike, demanding his early release.

Al-Khatib is sentenced to life imprisonment in addition to 12 years, and has been in detention since 1997, and his life sentence has been set at 45 years, of which he has served 21 years, August of four children.

In the same vein, prisoner Jamal Issa Alqom, from the City of Bethlehem, continues his arrest for the ninth consecutive day, protesting his administrative detention.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested al-Qom in the month of May last May, knowing that he was a former prisoner who had spent a total of 13 years in Israel´s jails.

Sheikh Khader Adnan, a 40-year-old prisoner, also continued his six-day strike, refusing to arrest him and demanding his immediate release.

The occupation forces arrested Adnan on 11 December 2017 and charged him with several counts of "incitement".

Prisoner Khader Adnan from the town of Arabeh, near Jenin (north of occupied Jerusalem), ran two open hunger strikes against his detention "administratively" by the occupation before being released.