11,791 infections and 259 deaths from Corona virus in China

11,791 infections and 259 deaths from Corona virus in China

China’s Central TV, citing the National Health Commission, reported that the number of corona virus deaths in the country rose by 46 on Friday, to a total of 259.

"The number of new deaths recorded in the past 24 hours is 46 deaths, all - except for one death only - registered in Hubei, the central province, which the virus first appeared in its capital, Wuhan, in December," the National Health Committee told a news conference. December 2019.

And the Chinese authorities announced the death of 43 people, the day before yesterday, Thursday, as a result of the "Corona" virus, in the largest daily count of the victims of the virus in the country since it began spreading in January .

However, this record did not stop rising in China, the cradle of this virus, as 2102 new cases were recorded on Friday, bringing the total number of people infected with the virus to 11791 .

The Hubei Provincial Health Committee, the epicenter of the virus, had reported 45 deaths and 1,347 new infections on Friday .

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, reported 576 cases on Friday, as well as 33 deaths. 192 people died of the virus inside Wuhan .

The territory´s streets are still closed, and public transportation has stopped, but a small number of people continue to breach procedures .

The World Health Organization declared a health emergency on Thursday, due to the virus that has spread so far in 22 countries around the world.

The countries of the world have strengthened travel restrictions on arrivals from China, after the World Health Organization declared an "emergency" at the international level against the background of the virus.

Outside of China, more than 20 countries have reached the epidemic.