China: Corona´s death toll rises to 213

China: Corona´s death toll rises to 213

The new "Corona" virus continues to spread rapidly in China, with the number of victims according to the latest official statistics rising to 213, 43 of them in the last 24 hours only.

The National Health Committee of China, in a statement published today, Friday, that the number of people infected with the virus has risen to 9 thousand and 692 people, including one thousand and 527 serious cases.

The number of suspected cases of the virus has increased to 15,238 people, while 171 people have been cured of the virus so far, while the number of people under health surveillance has increased to 102,427 people.

The number of injured in the Hong Kong Autonomous Region has increased to 10, and in the Macao Autonomous Region to 9.

The spread of the virus has gained a fast pace since January 20, as it has resulted in only the last 24 hours, 43 people killed and 1982 wounded.

On Thursday, Chinese Prime Minister Li Kijiang stressed that "medical companies must race against time to find a vaccine for this difficult and complex virus."

On Thursday, the World Health Organization declared an emergency on an international scale to counter the outbreak of the new Corona virus, which appeared in China.

And the new Corona virus appeared last December, in a market in the Chinese state of Wuhan (central), to spread to 3 other Asian countries: Japan, Thailand and South Korea.

Corona virus is similar in its symptoms to the disease, pneumonia, and symptoms include fever and breathing problems, and is similar to the one that causes acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).