Wounded by live bullets and tens of suffocation in the Kafr Qaddum clashes

Wounded by live bullets and tens of suffocation in the Kafr Qaddum clashes

A 23-year-old youth was wounded with rubber-coated metal bullets in the foot, and dozens of people suffocated during the suppression of the Israeli occupation army, the weekly anti-settlement march of Kafr Qaddum, which condemned the annexation plan.

The Coordinator of the Popular Resistance in Kafr Qaddum, Murad Shteiwi, stated that a young man was shot in the foot during confrontations between the youths and the occupation army, which fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas, which resulted in dozens of suffocation injuries. They were treated in the field.

The march began with the participation of hundreds of village residents, who chanted patriotic slogans calling for escalation of popular resistance in all locations.