WHO: "chronic" global shortage of protective equipment is a "pressing threat"

WHO: "chronic" global shortage of protective equipment is a "pressing threat"

The World Health Organization warned Friday that the severe shortage of protective equipment for health workers facing a Covid-19 epidemic is among the most pressing threats to the world today.

"The chronic global shortage of personal protective equipment has become among the most urgent threats to our common ability to save lives," said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanum Gabrios.

He said that the organization has sent about two million separate pieces of personal protective equipment to 74 countries and is preparing to send a similar amount to 60 other countries.

"This problem can only be solved through international cooperation and solidarity," Tedros said.

He noted that he urged the G-20 countries to use their "industrial strength and innovation" to produce and distribute the tools necessary to save more lives.

"We also have to make a commitment to future generations by saying that it will never be repeated," he added.

Covid-19 resulted in the death of more than 25,000 people, while most deaths were recorded in Europe, according to a French Press count based on official information.

Tedros noted that more than 100,000 people have recovered from the disease.

"We are still at the beginning of this battle. We must maintain calm and unity and work together," he added.

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