White House: Trump examines various options to answer the death of Khashoggi

White House: Trump examines various options to answer the death of Khashoggi

Washington _ Agencies

The White House said the United States is considering "different options" to respond to the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and will announce its decision on the procedure.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said at a press conference that President Donald Trump met last week with the director of the CIA, Gina Hasbel, "after collecting additional information during her overseas trip."

"The department is considering different options and will make a declaration on the decision on that action," she said.

"The administration is considering the action we will take based on the information and testimony received by the president last week," she said, refusing to predict the procedure and when to take it.

Trump said earlier this month that he would impose severe sanctions if Saudi Arabia proves to be behind the death of the journalist, but at the same time said he feared a loss of military sales and Saudi investment needed by his country.