Violations by the Israeli occupying forces of the rights of those participating in the return marches and the blockade in the Gaza Strip

Violations by the Israeli occupying forces of the rights of those participating in the return marches and the blockade in the Gaza Strip

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

The Al-Mizan Center was released on Saturday. In the Gaza Strip is a fact sheet about the Israeli occupation forces´ attacks on peaceful marchs in the east of the Gaza Strip, a year after the launch of peaceful return marches.

The Al-Mizan center stated that, over the course of 12 months, the occupying forces had committed serious human rights violations and grave breaches of the rules of international humanitarian law against civilians involved in peaceful protests.

 Since the launch of the return march and the siege on March 30, March 2018, the occupation forces positioned at the separation fence in the east and north of the Gaza Strip have targeted peaceful protesters, certainly inflating human casualties in their ranks by using excessive and lethal force in a broad and unnecessary manner. Thousands of dead and wounded were among the participants in the marches and even exceeded them to target medical staff, journalists and persons with disabilities.

Testimonies and evidence have shown that the Israeli occupying forces, in the context of impunity, immunity from accountability and punishment, have committed clear violations of the rules and provisions of international humanitarian law in their response to peaceful protesters and have not eased their preconceived intentions by using excess and lethal force in Dealing with peaceful gatherings has not been a significant threat and can not be described as hostile. The statements of the political and security officials in the occupying Power, which accompanies the preparations for the start of the marches, are a good illustration of this. Since the first days, the occupying forces have stated that they have deployed snipers called from all units of the army, specifically from special units.

In spite of this, the rallies witnessed a mass popular participation, during which the participants maintained the peaceful nature of the events which were devoid of any form of militarization, and did not appear at all times any armed manifestation or armed action that might threaten the lives, security and safety of the occupation soldiers after they barricaded themselves behind the rum hills. Leh or inside military observation towers scattered along the separation fence, firing different types of bullets, gas bombs, killing and wounding, and unfortunately detaining the remnants of martyrs and not being handed over to their relatives.

After the United Nations Human Rights Council decided to investigate the suspicions of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by the Israeli occupying forces in connection with their dealings with demonstrators during 2018, as was the practice, the occupying authorities refused to cooperate with the The Commission of Inquiry and even attacked the Council itself.

The report of the Committee reiterates a number of facts that have long been published by Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights organizations on the basis of the professional documentation of what is happening on the ground, and to emphasize the legal approaches that apply to the conduct of the occupation forces, which are not very different On the conclusions of the previous United Nations decisions of inquiry and the comments and recommendations of the human rights treaty bodies and reports of the special procedures, in particular the relevant UN rapporteurs on extrajudicial killings, torture , arbitrary detention and human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The occupying forces have shown blatant degradation of their obligations under international law and disregard for the human right to life for a whole year and on a weekly basis, and this excessive use of force and loss of life under extremely harsh conditions continued to be endured by the residents of the Gaza Strip as a result of the tightened blockade which has created an economic, political and social burden on the lives of people in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, whose catastrophic effects have affected all walks of life.