US State Department: We imposed visa restrictions on 76 Saudis as part of "Khashoggi´s" policy

US State Department: We imposed visa restrictions on 76 Saudis as part of "Khashoggi´s" policy

On Friday evening, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that the department had imposed visa restrictions on 76 Saudis who had participated in activities against dissidents.

The American minister stressed that the United States will not tolerate Saudi threats and attacks against activists, dissidents and journalists.

The diplomat said Washington was still interested in its relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Blinken announced a new US policy in the name of "Khashoggi" that imposes restrictions on visas granted to those involved in attacks on journalists or activists anywhere in the world.

On Friday evening, the administration of US President Joe Biden issued a declassified copy of the CIA report on the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

The report said Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved and likely ordered the killing of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

The report indicated that the Saudi crown prince saw Khashoggi as a threat to the kingdom, and greatly supported the violence.

The intelligence report confirmed that the US assessment was based on the crown prince´s control of decision-making, the direct involvement of a key advisor, and his support for violence to silence dissidents.

The declassified document listed 21 individuals whom the CIA had high confidence that they were involved or responsible for Khashoggi´s killing on behalf of the crown prince.