Trump "regrets" "Capitol events" and vows to take the lead of the "Republican" toward victory a third time

Trump "regrets" "Capitol events" and vows to take the lead of the "Republican" toward victory a third time

 Former U.S. President Donald Trump said Sunday that he has no regrets about the deadly violence he has incited by false allegations of all the "stolen elections" in the "uprising" of his far-right supporters in their attack on the Capitol on January 6, in an attempt to block President Joe´s declaration of a president in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

This was evident in his first public remarks since leaving the White House when the former president informed the Republican Party on Sunday, February 28, 2021, that he intended to use his grip on his grassroots to try to suppress the vote before the 2024 presidential election, in which he hinted that he might run. In his speech, he also criticized Supreme Court justices for failing to intervene and to give him the victory of the election he clearly lost to President Joe Biden.

In his speech surrounded by hundreds of supporters, Trump said his trip was "not over yet," taking advantage of his appearance in front of a crowd of hard-line conservatives, attacking his Democratic White House successor Joe Biden, criticizing his immigration policies, and calling on him to "open schools right now" in a speech broadcast live on U.S. television.

Trump repeated his earlier claims of "fraud" in the democratic presidential election, hinting at the possibility of his running for president in the 2024 election, saying, "I´m going to beat them for the third time."

Trump, who did not concede an election defeat to rival Joe Biden, sharpened his frustrated supporters after the loss, saying that "the amazing journey he started with his supporters four years ago is not over."

Photos from the convention house showed Trump supporters still waving flags, wearing hats and carrying items with the former president´s name on it, while a gold statue of Trump was centered at the convention.

At the convention, Trump seemed determined to regain control of the Republican Party, which has become weak and deeply divided since the violent attack by Trump supporters on the Capitol in Washington on January 6.

After four years in the White House, Republicans have lost control of both houses of Congress and the White House, and the former president has forever been stigmatized for having been sacked twice in the House of Representatives, and in the second he has been accused of sedition for breaking into the Capitol.

Trump denied reports that he planned to establish a "third party," calling it "fake news."

"The future of the Republican Party as a party is that it is the party that defends the social, economic and cultural interests and values of working American families of all races, colors and creeds," Trump said at the convention, adding that "Republicans believe that the daily needs of citizens must come first."