US "Representatives" vote to condemn hatred and rejects the conviction of MP Elhan Omar

US "Representatives" vote to condemn hatred and rejects the conviction of MP Elhan Omar

The US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly late Thursday to condemn "all forms of hatred" after a heated debate in Congress over anti-Semitism and the punishment of Islamist MP Elhan Omar as a victory for it. And the progressive group of the party, especially its fellow Palestinian Muslim MP Rachida Taleb, and the African-American Rally in the House of Representatives and the Progressive Rally in the party after the start of the draft resolution aimed only at condemning the nation and naming Elhan Omar by name.

In the end, "African Americans, Native Americans, other colorists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, immigrants and others" were the victims of blind fanaticism.

The resolution condemning the "hateful expressions of intolerance," which was passed by the US House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority of 407 votes to 23 votes, is a declaration of the values ​​of democracy as well as their partisan fanaticism.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spent several days suppressing the internal uproar that erupted after new Democrat MP Elhan Omar of Minnesota pointed out that some council members were pushing for a declaration of allegiance to foreign countries, which was interpreted as referring to Israel´s supporters Double allegiance.

Pelosi told reporters on Thursday morning when she announced the vote that she saw everything as an opportunity. "This is an opportunity to re-express the strongest possible opposition to anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim rhetoric" and "supremacy of the white race," Pelosi told reporters.

The resolution, carefully crafted during a tense week for Democrats, found themselves divided on ethnic and religious lines as they debated how to respond to Elhan Omar. In the end, only one Republican voted, while Rep. Steve King of Iowa, with a long record of intransigent comments, was present without endorsing or rejecting the resolution.

"From the right, the middle, or the political left, intolerance, discrimination, oppression, racism and talk of dual allegiance threaten American democracy and have no place in American political discourse," the resolution says. He also condemns attacks by supporters of white supremacy theory in Charlottesville, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as well as numerous attacks on Muslims and mosques.

"We have excluded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we have excluded atheists, Jehovah´s Witnesses, and disabled people," said Rep. Doug Collins, a leading Republican on the House Judiciary Committee.

Some veteran Jewish Democrats, who pressed for action condemning anti-Semitism only, also expressed displeasure. "We are having this debate because of the tone used by one of our colleagues," Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch said Thursday morning in an emotional speech in the House Chamber of Deputies, a tone suggesting that Jews like me who serve the United States in Congress, whose father has been awarded the Purple Heart Medal for fighting the Nazis , Are not sincere Americans. "