United Nations: There is no safe place in Gaza

United Nations: There is no safe place in Gaza

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lynn Hastings, said on Thursday evening that “the warnings issued by the Israeli army to the residents of the Gaza Strip to evacuate the areas it intends to target do not provide security.”

Hastings added in a statement: “There is no safe place in Gaza.”

"For people who cannot evacuate, some have nowhere to go and others are unable to move, so advance warnings don't make any difference," she continued.

Hastings stressed that "the management of armed conflicts, anywhere, is subject to international humanitarian law... This means that civilians must be protected and have access to the necessities needed to survive, wherever they are, and whether they choose to move or stay."

For the 20th day, the Israeli occupation army continues to target Gaza with intense air strikes that destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving 7,028 Palestinian martyrs, including 2,913 children, 1,709 women, and 397 elderly people, and wounding 18,484 people, in addition to about 2,000 missing under the rubble.