United Nations: 43% of the world´s languages ​​are threatened with extinction

United Nations: 43% of the world´s languages ​​are threatened with extinction

The United Nations has revealed that 43 percent of the world´s 6,000 languages ​​are threatened with extinction, especially in local languages.

This came in a report published by the United Nations on Thursday, marking the International Mother Language Day, February 21.

The organization said that a language of 6,000 is periodically exposed to extinction every two weeks.

She added that the disappearance of languages ​​means the absence of a cultural heritage full, and leads to damage to social wealth in the world.

The United Nations said 40 percent of the world´s population was not educated in their mother tongue.

She pointed out that nearly 370 million people of the world are forced to immigrate to improve living conditions, which causes them to forget their mother tongues.

Some of the most endangered languages ​​are Ligurian, which is spoken in some Italian regions, Tamachic in Africa, and Turkish in the Caucasus.

Since 2000, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) annually celebrates International Mother Language Day on 21 February, with the aim of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.

Source: Anatolia