Trump´s nomination of a UN ambassador alarms the family of US foreign policy

Trump´s nomination of a UN ambassador alarms the family of US foreign policy

 A week after US State Department spokesman Heather Naort withdrew her name as US President Donald Trump´s nominee for her country´s ambassador to the United Nations, observers in the United States are wondering why the US president has been slow to name a person As an ambassador to the international organization, and whether this is a problem for the United States amid the contention of issues on the doors of the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Naourt had withdrawn last week from President Trump´s candidacy on December 7, 2018, as part of a public interview with reporters outside the White House. According to reliable sources in the US Senate, Trump did not present in writing to the Council approving the appointments, first in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to vote, and then in the Council as a whole.

Naourt said in her statement that she withdrew to family circumstances. Nawart, a mother of two, aged 8 and 10, took up her post as State Department spokesman in May 2017. She was forced to stay in Washington, DC, while her husband and two children stayed in New York City where her husband worked in financial investment and banking.

Since Trump has prosecuted rumors about her employment as a nanny from Jamaica, whether she is legally residing in the United States, or that Naort and her husband have not paid the nanny, and if there is an understanding of the nanny´s obligation to pay her taxes, Controversy over the efficacy of Nawart to occupy this delicate ministerial site.

Many experts on presidential and diplomatic affairs believe President Trump, under the influence of his national security adviser, John Bolton, who advised the president that Naort, who still holds the title of State Department spokeswoman and former Fox News anchor, That her nomination would cause a headache for the president´s lack of efficiency, and that if the withdrawal of its name will avoid the President a conflict that could have been difficult in the Senate to ratify her appointment.

But Naort´s withdrawal also highlighted the challenges facing President Trump to fill this post. He repeated the brief announcement issued last Saturday evening (February 16, 2019) that Naort no longer wanted to run for office because of family considerations, which Trump, apparently again, returned to the starting point that followed his announcement in October of Leaving his first ambassador, Nicky Hailey, to the post by the end of 2018.

The sudden departure of Hailey, without any plan to choose a successor, has prevented Trump´s administration from a prominent presence in the United Nations for nearly two months.

In the 73 years since the founding of the United Nations, successive White House administrations have placed enormous importance on those they choose as ambassadors to represent the United States, the host country of the United Nations and the most influential among the world powers. They included former state governors and future presidents such as President George W. Bush, presidential candidates like Edlai Stevenson II, prominent lawmakers such as Arthur Goldberg and a group of experienced politicians and diplomats from both major political parties such as Jean Kirkpatrick, Andrew Young, Madeline Albright and Richard Holbrooke, as well as provocative figures who have no respect for the international community and whose presence is a burden on the United States, such as President Trump´s current national security adviser, John Bolton.

The US ambassador, officially known as the Permanent Envoy to the United Nations, the head of the United States mission and the country´s representative on the Security Council, is the most powerful UN body of 193 members.

The Ambassador is usually nominated by the US President and approved by the Senate.

Although the ambassador or ambassador is not a member of the US cabinet, the UN ambassador is often treated as a minister, putting him in the same room as the president of the world´s most powerful nation. This link is taken seriously by other UN diplomats, especially if they want to shift their governments´ views to the White House.

Some experts believe that the continued vacancy of a US ambassador to the United Nations comes against the backdrop of President Trump´s expressed doubts about multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, and the betrayal of some of its major achievements and programs.

Over the past two years, his administration has withdrawn from climate change and immigration treaties; the United States has suspended all its financial support to UNRWA and has withdrawn from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of Palestine´s membership and the Human Rights Council Biased against Israel, which reduced American influence in those agencies, according to experts, as not hearing the voice of the United States at a high level in the United Nations, and the absence of a permanent envoy for a long time limits the dialogue and sends a negative signal.

As long as the Palestinian issue occupied the US ambassadors, Arthur Goldberg, America´s ambassador to the United Nations at the time and after the June 1967 war, was accused by the ambassadors of the Soviet Union, the socialist system, ambassadors of the Arab world and the Third World of practicing his diplomacy as representing Israel rather than the United States. His job as ambassador to the United States in 1978 just because he handed over to the PLO representative at the time, Zuhadi Al-Barzi, which established the world and did not sit in the US Congress and the corridors of the Israeli lobby.

Patrick Moynihan, who passed General Assembly Resolution 3379, which recognized that "Zionism is one of the forms of racism" (by a majority of 72 to 32) on 10 November 1975, called the decision to condemn the resolution and called it a despicable resolution. He was ousted under the pressure of President George Bush on December 17, 1991, at the height of his popularity and strength after the war he waged against Iraq in order to liberate Kuwait in the hope that it would positively affect American Jews, who form a base of Democratic voters, For a second round in the 1992 elections, but lost to Clinton in the Those elections.

Most of Washington´s ambassadors to the UN show a clear bias to Israel in the Security Council and the General Assembly, but the last ambassador, Nicky Hayley, was distinguished from her predecessors by showing a blatant bias toward Israel. He wrote several reports that Hailey had relied on " The Israeli lobby "AIPAC", or directly from the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, especially as she was ignorant of foreign affairs affairs when she took office on 27 January 2017.

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Hayley´s deputy, Jonathan Cohen, is also a close supporter of Israel.