UNICEF: Half of the world´s students are exposed to violence in schools

UNICEF: Half of the world´s students are exposed to violence in schools

New York _ Agencies

A report by the United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF) showed that about half of the students in the world´s schools were subjected to violence and moral terrorism by their colleagues.

Half of the world´s 150 million students aged 13 to 15 were subjected to moral harassment in or near the school last month or were involved in physical fights last year, according to a report published by the organization Wednesday night in New York.

"It disturbs short-term education and in the long run leads to depression, fears and even suicides," the head of the organization, Hendita Faure, warned.

UNICEF has called for schools around the world to better protect students from violence and psychological terrorism through more preventive measures.