UNICEF: 27 children killed and wounded in 10 days in Yemen

UNICEF: 27 children killed and wounded in 10 days in Yemen

According to data released by the United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF), 27 children have been killed and wounded in the violence in Yemen during the past ten days.

Seven UN children were killed last Friday during an attack on a fuel station in the Mawiya district of Taiz province in southern Yemen, as well as others in Sanaa as a result of the shelling, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fur said in a statement on the UN agency.

"This attack has raised the number of children killed and injured by the upsurge of violence in the past 10 days to 27 children," Henrietta added.

"These figures are the only ones the United Nations has been able to confirm, and the actual numbers are much higher," she said.

"There is no safe place for children in Yemen," she said. "The conflict is chasing them in their homes, schools and places of play."

She called on the UN official, the warring parties and those with influence, the Security Council and the international community, to work to end this conflict, to protect children at all times and to remove them from harm.

Since 26 March 2015, the bloody conflict in Yemen has displaced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes, cities and villages, the spread of infectious diseases and famine in some areas and the massive destruction of the country´s infrastructure.

According to statistics of international bodies and organizations, the conflict asserted in the death and injury of tens of thousands of civilians, especially children, as well as the deterioration of humanitarian conditions and the spread of diseases and epidemics, including cholera, and the declination in the size of cash reserves in Yemen.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia has been leading an Arab military alliance in Yemen, one of the main members of the UAE, and supporting pro-government forces in the face of the Iranian-backed Huthis.