Two citizens were injured and 4 others were arrested during the occupation storming the city of Tubas

Two citizens were injured and 4 others were arrested during the occupation storming the city of Tubas

Two Palestinian citizens were injured, and four others, including a woman, were arrested at dawn on Thursday, during the Israeli occupation forces’ storming of the city of Tubas in the northern West Bank.

The Red Crescent Society reported that a young man was injured by shrapnel from live bullets in the back and neck, and another suffered severe bruises in his ankle as a result of the fall.

The director of the Prisoner's Club (a human rights activist based in Ramallah) in Tubas, Kamal Bani Odeh, said that the occupation forces arrested four citizens during the storming of the city, where they arrested the young man, Walid Firas Sawafta (20 years old), after raiding his family's home.

He added that three other citizens were arrested to pressure their children to surrender themselves. They are: Faida Daraghmeh, for pressuring her son Bakr to surrender himself, Akef Fayez Al-Shraida (52 years old), for pressuring his son Youssef to surrender himself, and Mithqal Fayez Abu Dawas (63 years old), for pressuring his son Saif. To turn himself in.

The occupation forces stormed the city from the eastern side with several vehicles accompanied by a military bulldozer, and deployed their snipers on the roofs of some high-rise buildings.

The occupation's storming of the city included heavy gunfire and intense confrontations between young men and the occupation forces, and they also destroyed a roundabout on the main street in the city during the storming.

The Ministry of Health in the Palestinian Authority announced on Tuesday that one hundred and 63 martyrs in the West Bank were killed by occupation bullets since the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle last October 7.

She added that the number of martyrs in the West Bank since the beginning of this year reached 371 martyrs.

The occupation forces have been escalating their incursions into West Bank cities since the start of the “Aqsa Flood” battle, for fear of the escalation of attacks in the West Bank in response to the ongoing occupation aggression against the Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom and injury of thousands of Palestinians, most of whom are women and children.