Two citizens arrested east of Bethlehem

Two citizens arrested east of Bethlehem

Israeli occupation forces arrested two palestinians from the town of Shawwara, east of Bethlehem, at dawn Friday.
According to our correspondent, the Israeli occupation forces re-entered the house of the Al-Darawi family in the village of Shawwara for the second time in three days.

According to a family member, a military force stormed the house of the family of the prisoner Jamil Al-Darawi, who was arrested three days ago and is under investigation in the moscobi cells, and the soldiers carried out violence in the house for the second time, where the entrances to the house were blown up and the contents were vandalized and part of the walls were demolished, before His brother Munir al-Darawi was arrested and taken to an unknown destination amid abuse of children and women, and the house of Iyad Abdullah Guarneh from the same village was raided and arrested.