TV journalist brutally murdered in Bulgaria

TV journalist brutally murdered in Bulgaria

Bulgaria _ Agencies

A television journalist was brutally killed in a Russian city in northern bulgaria, the Public Prosecution office said sunday, in a crime that sparked international condemnation.

The 30-year-old Victoria Marinova´s body was found Saturday in a public park, said a Russian city prosecutor, adding that the death was caused by blows to the head and Suffocation.

The prosecutor referred to the loss of her "cell phone, car keys, glasses and part of her clothing", explaining that the investigation took all the hypotheses into account, whether personal or related to her job.

Interior Minister Mladen Maronov later told reporters that the victim had also been raped.

Prime Minister Boyko Borisobe expressed the hope that the investigation would succeed by revealing the circumstances of the crime after the "effort that has been made", and said that thanks to the large amount of DNA samples collected, the arrest of the perpetrator was a matter of time.

A police source told Agence France-presse that it does not yet appear that the crime is linked to its Work.

The press freedom representative of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (osce), Harlem desir, condemned the killing of mariova, and said in a tweet:  "i am shocked by the murder of Victoria Marinova´s investigative journalist in Bulgaria. I urgently call for a full and thorough investigation. Those responsible for this crime must be held Accountable. "

Marinova was a director of the small television station (NTV) in Russia and recently started to present a special talk show titled "reagent".

The first of its programme, which was aired on 30 September (september), included an interview with investigative journalist Dimitar Stojanov from the site (pifol dot Jp) and Watela Biru from the "rise project" in romania, which dealt with an investigation into presumed fraud of European Union funds. Linked to senior businessmen and Politicians.

The two guest of the episode (stoyanov and Peru) were briefly arrested by the Bulgarian police, which was denounced by Reporters Without Borders (rsf) at the Time.

"we are in a state of shock," a journalist from the NTV news agency told Agence France Presse. No threats were sent to the station or to the terminal, "he said, adding that with his colleagues, they feel intimidated for their safety.

He appealed to the site (piful dot Jpg) in a leaflet on his Facebook page the police to secure protection for the Marinova fellows.

The Monday evening gathering will be organized in Sofia with candles lit in honor of Victoria Marinova´s Memory.

One journalist is killed every week around the world at an average rate, according to Reporters Without Borders (rsf).

Among the latest crimes that claimed the lives of journalists were the death of the anti-corruption blog, Daphne Caruana galezia, in the bombing of her car in Malta in October (october 2017), and the Slovak journalist Jan Kosak and his fiancée were shot dead in front of his home in February last February.

Bulgaria landed at 111 in the annual Press Freedom Index issued by the organization  "reporters without borders" in 2018, the lowest ranking among European Countries.

According to the bulgarian-based European journalists foundation, small local press correspondents are under pressure from companies, politicians and direct threats, forcing them to exercise self-censorship.

Violence against women is also prevalent in bulgaria, with many brutal killings of women by their husbands or ex-boyfriends, which has recently raised this issue in the Bulgarian Media.