Turkish police arrest 120 people in Istanbul Labor Day demonstrations

Turkish police arrest 120 people in Istanbul Labor Day demonstrations

Turkish police arrested 127 people during demonstrations on Labor Day in Istanbul on Wednesday, the private CNN-Turk reported.

The official Anatolia news agency estimated earlier today the number of arrests 84 people.

The agency said that 14 people were arrested in Taksim Square in the heart of the city, for ignoring the warnings of the police to stop the march, and resisted by the police.

During the march, which took place near Taksim, the demonstrators brought the slogan "open spaces can not be closed to citizens."

Roads leading to the field were closed to traffic amid heavy security. However, there have been no major clashes as in past years.

On May 1, 1977, 34 people were killed in clashes in Taksim Square, giving the site symbolic significance. The use of the field was subsequently banned by labor movements for more than three decades.

In 2010, about 20,000 people took part in the first demonstration officially approved on Labor Day on Taksim Square, but marches were again banned in 2014 after protests turned violent.

Members of trade unions and politicians, including Istanbul´s new mayor Ekar Emamoglu, attended a Labor Day demonstration, approved by the government, in Bakirkoy district of Istanbul.