Turkish official: The murder of Khashoggi is brutally planned

Turkish official: The murder of Khashoggi is brutally planned

Ankara _ Agencies

A senior Turkish official confirmed Monday that the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at his consulate in Istanbul was "brutally planned", adding that "intensive efforts" were made to conceal them .

"We are in front of a situation that has been brutally planned and a massive effort has been made to conceal the killing," said Omar Guelleh, a spokesman for Turkey´s ruling Justice and Development Party, at a press conference in Ankara. Turkish official: The murder of Khashoggi is brutally planned

Ankara _ Agencies

A senior Turkish official confirmed Monday that the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at his consulate in Istanbul was "brutally planned", adding that "intensive efforts" were made to conceal them.


"We are in front of a situation that has been brutally planned and a massive effort has been made to conceal the killing," said Omar Guelleh, a spokesman for Turkey´s ruling Justice and Development Party, at a press conference in Ankara.

مسؤول تركي : جريمة قتل خاشقجي تم التخطيط لها بوحشية


أكد مسؤول تركي رفيع الاثنين أن عملية قتل الصحافي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في قنصلية بلاده في اسطنبول "تم التخطيط لها بوحشية"، مضيفا أن "جهودا كثيفة" تم بذلها لإخفائها.

وقال عمر جيليك المتحدث باسم حزب العدالة والتنمية الحاكم في تركيا خلال مؤتمر صحافي في أنقرة "نحن أمام وضع تم التخطيط له بوحشية وتم بذل جهود كثيفة لإخفاء" عملية القتل.