Trump´s "false and misleading" statements exceeded 10,000 statements

Trump´s "false and misleading" statements exceeded 10,000 statements

 After more than 800 days in office, President Donald Trump´s "false or misleading" statements exceeded 10,000 statements, the Washington Post reported.

The statistics of the fact-finding team in the newspaper were supposed to cover the first 100 days of Trump´s presidency, but the process continued thereafter.

Twenty-two percent of those statements were made during "Great Repatriation" rallies, in which Trump avoided much of reality.

One of the striking things is that the Republican president tends to repeat the same misperceptions.

Since his arrival in the presidency in January 2017, Trump has received 21 cards, which the newspaper assigns to a false report delayed at least 20 times.

Trump, who regularly describes journalists as "enemies of the people" and promotes "false news," recently commented on newspaper factors: "The alleged truth reviewers are among the most dishonest people in the media."