Trump threatens to "destroy" Turkey´s economy if it acts "beyond the limits"

Trump threatens to "destroy" Turkey´s economy if it acts "beyond the limits"

 US President Donald Tram has threatened to "destroy and eliminate Turkey´s economy" if Ankara takes any actions he sees as "crossing the border" in Syria, after he had previously announced that It will not prevent Turkey´s invasion of the region.

Trump said in a tweet on Twitter, "As I strongly stated earlier, and in order to confirm, if Turkey does any actions, I consider, with my great unparalleled wisdom, acts beyond borders, I will destroy the Turkish economy and erase it completely (as I did "In reference to sanctions against Turkey last year.

He stressed that Turkey and European countries will be responsible for the prison camp where thousands of Islamic State terrorist fighters and their families are being held in northeastern Syria, adding that "it is time for others in the region, some of them with great wealth, to defend their land."

Trump is under pressure in the US Congress over his decision to withdraw US troops from the Syrian border.

The White House has announced that Turkey will go ahead with the long-planned operation in Syria and that the United States will not participate.

Trump spoke by telephone last night with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and then issued a statement saying Ankara would press ahead with the "long-planned" operation in northern Syria.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces / SDF forces dominate areas in northeastern Syria, cooperating with the United States in the region to defeat the Islamic State. Thousands of ISIS fighters remain in the region´s prison camp, which SDF guards.

The Pentagon then made clear that it did not approve of the Turkish invasion.

It is unclear what exactly is considered to be an overstepping by Ankara.

Trump has in the past raised tariffs on Turkey and imposed sanctions on two ministers amid a row over Ankara´s detention of a US pastor who ended up being released.