TRUMP: The Democrats can only win elections through fraud

TRUMP: The Democrats can only win elections through fraud

US President Donald Trump warned, in his first speech to the Republican Party conference, Monday, August 24, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina, against an attempt to "rig the elections," adding that these elections It is "the most important in the history of the United States, so do not let them steal it from your hands," referring to the Democratic Party.

Trump, who was nominated by Republican delegates, on Monday, for the elections of the third of November 2020, said that the only way in which the Democratic Party could win is "fraud," noting in this regard his refusal to proceed with the party´s efforts to vote by mail, and said that Americans are able to go to the polling station despite the emerging coronavirus crisis.

It is noteworthy that Trump and his family members cast their electoral votes through the mail, but he believes that opening the way for American voters to vote in the elections by mail will encourage many who are afraid to line up in the election queues on the same election day due to the Corona pandemic, which will tilt the Democratic side.

Trump arrived in Charlotte, where he participated in the activities of the first day of the Republican Party convention, which officially nominated him for a second term.

Trump, who was keen to show his difference from Joe Biden, who does not come out much due to his commitment to the restrictions of the Corona pandemic, added by attending the conference on the first day of his work, "I felt that it was necessary to come to North Carolina," and continued, "We did so out of respect for North Carolina and I think you are." You will remember it on November 3, "stressing that his opponent Biden did not attend the Democratic Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Republican President pledged to continue providing support to the US armed forces if he wins a new term, referring to the efforts of his administration over the past years to provide the military institution with advanced weapons and equipment.

He said his administration would legislate tax cuts for companies that create jobs inside the country, and pledged to "impose customs duties on countries that try to exploit us."

Trump also showed his support for the law enforcement forces, after the calls that came out during the last period to reduce its budget, saying that he would continue to support them and new appointments would be put forward.

He noted that his administration had made great achievements in achieving "criminal justice" and providing support to African Americans "more than the administration of former President Barack Obama."

Trump stressed that during the first presidential term, his administration made great efforts to confront China, and said, "We will never forget what they did" with regard to the outbreak of the virus, indicating in this regard, but had it not been for the early measures taken by his administration, the number of cases would have increased further.

Republicans also renamed Vice President Mike Pence as their running mate. "America needs Donald Trump to stay four more years in the White House to make America a great country again," Pence said in his short acceptance speech.

"I heard last week that American democracy is at stake," he added, referring to a phrase that Democrats used repeatedly during their conference. Pence corrected, "But we all know that the economy is at stake, and law and order are at stake."

By the end of the evening Monday, August 24, 2020, it became clear that the Republican Congress will question Joe Biden´s mental capabilities and thus his suitability to become president.

In turn, Biden said on the ABC news network that people have the right to question the mental capacity of any candidate over the age of 70 but he is in his right mind.

It is reported that Biden is 77 years old and Trump is 74 years.