Trump rebukes his campaign team for declining polls against Biden

Trump rebukes his campaign team for declining polls against Biden

 American President Donald Trump exploded in anger in the face of his senior political advisers last week, when they presented him with disturbing polls data, which showed a decline in his support rates in a number of crucial US states that he calls "swing states". Such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, which enabled him to reach the White House in the last presidential elections, due to his criticism for his poor ability to respond to the escalation of the emerging Corona virus.

While the virus kills tens of thousands of Americans, has infected more than a million, and much of the US economy remains closed, new polls conducted by the Republican National Committee and Trump´s re-election campaign indicate a bleak picture of the president´s chance to win a tournament. A second presidential election, according to what many American media outlets such as The Associated Press, Reuters, and CNN revealed on Wednesday, April 29, 2020.

While Trump witnessed some of the best approval ratings for his presidency during the first weeks of the Covid-19 crisis, his aides highlighted the increasing political cost of the crisis and the mistakes Trump made in his daily improvised press briefings, in which he distracts and jumps from topic to topic with confusion and without cohesion.

According to multiple sources, Trump responded defiantly and nervously to his advisers, denouncing the conclusions that showed that he might lose the elections to former Vice President Joe Biden, who Trump considers a weak candidate, reiterating in a series of "hot collective calls with his advisers and senior officials of his campaign and said," I am not a loser. In front of Joe Biden, "according to five people familiar with those calls, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

According to them, "The message to the President from his advisers was realistic: that Trump would lose the election to Joe Biden in many of the decisive battle states, and he would lose the election if it took place earlier in April, but Trump, who was speaking on the phone with his campaign manager, Brad Parskall, who contacted from Florida, and Rona McDaniel, chair of the National Republican Committee from her Michigan State home, and his first adviser to the White House, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and other aides, "blew them out screaming because of the poll results."

The political team leading the re-election campaign echoed what a number of his White House aides and outside advisers say, that Trump should limit his daily press briefings about Covid-19, as these press conferences turn Trump into confrontations and quarrels with the press, which costs him a lot of popularity and causes His numbers declined, especially among the elderly, but he refused to change his behavior at first, indicating a rise in the number of viewers who watch his conferences on different TV networks.

His advisers also advised him to stay away from medical issues and direct his focus to topics he is most familiar with regarding the American economy.

It is reported that Trump, who faced harsh criticism for his advice to Americans last week to inject themselves with antiseptics and sunlight in the face of Covid-19, refrained two days from appearing in front of the press, and withdrew once without answering any questions, but he returned to his usual style on Tuesday and Wednesday (28 and April 29).

Despite his upbeat remarks, it is noticeable that President Trump is deeply disappointed by the Coffid-19 that "closed the American economy" and caused it to decline in a decline that no one expected at the end of last February, when Trump officially launched his election campaign, based on the strength of the economy that was enjoying With levels of prosperity, and unemployment in the country unprecedented.

President Trump, in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, said he did not believe the polls showing that his presidential opponent, Joe Biden, the likely candidate for the Democratic Party, was leading him in the 2020 election race.

The Republican President said during the interview, which was conducted at his office in the White House, that he did not expect the elections to be a referendum on his handling of the Corona virus pandemic.

"I don´t believe the polls. I think the people of this country are smart, and I don´t think they will support an incompetent man," like presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

According to reports, Trump´s political team has warned that the president´s path to re-election depends on how quickly he can achieve an economic recovery.

"I think you will see that by June, many countries will return to normal, and the hope is that by July, there will be a new economic boom," economists said on the pro-president Fox network, his son-in-law Kushner said Wednesday. But economists expect a much longer path, And more complex towards economic recovery.

The latest opinion poll conducted by Reuters and Epsos nationwide this week showed that 44% of registered voters said they would support Biden in the November 3 elections, while 40% said they would support Trump. A recent Reuters / Ipsos poll in three swinging (major) states - Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - showed Biden´s advantage of Trump by 45% to 39%.

Trump´s victory in those states in the 2016 elections prompted him to reach the White House