The latest developments in the spread of the emerging corona virus in the world

The latest developments in the spread of the emerging corona virus in the world

 The following are the latest developments related to the spread of the Corona virus, which has caused the death of more than 233,000 people worldwide.

Labor Day usually sees union rallies and gatherings, especially as it represents a holiday in many countries, but the quarantine measures have prompted many to move celebrations to their porches and social media.

However, the police in Turkey arrested several union officials who demonstrated despite the gatherings being banned.

After coming under heavy criticism from the United States, which considered that it did not warn early about the seriousness of the emerging corona virus, the World Health Organization announced on Friday that it hoped to receive an invitation from Beijing to participate in its investigations into the animal source of the virus.

US President Donald Trump said he had seen evidence indicating that the new Corona Virus originating from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan had recently been accused of a lack of transparency.

On Thursday, the US president announced that he was considering imposing punitive "tariffs" on China.

The epidemic has claimed more than 233176 people worldwide since its appearance in China in December, according to an AFP tally based on official sources as of 11:00 GMT Friday.

And recorded 3 million and 264 thousand and 200 confirmed cases in 195 countries and regions.

The United States is the country with the highest number of deaths (63019), followed by Italy (27967), then the United Kingdom (26711), Spain (24824), and France (24376).

On May 1, the Chinese began a five-day national holiday, the first real holiday since the start of the epidemic, but no major rallies are expected, as people remain cautious.

The Forbidden City opened its doors on Friday, after three months of closure.

The Spanish government expected GDP to contract by 9.2 percent this year, and the unemployment rate to rise to 19 percent.

In France, the auto market fell by 88.8 percent in April.

In Macau, gambling revenue fell 97 percent in April.

The low-cost Irish airline, Rain Air, has cut up to 3,000 jobs.

In Brazil, the state of Rio de Janeiro extended the stone until May 11, despite hard-line President Jair Bolsonaro´s stance of continuing activities.

Equatorial Guinea extended the stone an additional 15 days before its completion, and applied to the country´s two largest cities, Malabo and Bata.

For its part, Sierra Leone announced a new stone for three days, starting from Sunday.

The Republic of South Africa started gradually lifting the stone, and allowed several industrial sectors, including the construction, textile and automobile sectors, to resume slowly, after the mining sector returned to activity.

Rwanda will start reducing the stone from Monday, as it will allow residents to move throughout the day, on condition that the masks are placed in public places.

The Queen band recorded a new version of the famous song "WE THE THE CHAMBIES" (We Are The Heroes), entitled "UR The Champions" (You are the Heroes), referring to the medical crews, to be launched on Friday.

The song’s earnings will be transferred to the Solidarity Fund to respond to the Covid-19, which was founded by the World Health Organization.