Trump pledges a "very important" trade deal with Britain after BRICEST

Trump pledges a "very important" trade deal with Britain after BRICEST

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he expected the United States to reach a "very important trade agreement" with Britain after Brixet during a meeting with Prime Minister Teresa Mae in London where anti-policy activists gathered.

Trump joked to the outgoing British prime minister that she had to "stay" and build a stronger economic alliance with the United States when her country left the European Union.

"I was much more valued in our relationship," Trump told May at a meeting attended by heads of major trading companies and ministers.

"I think we will reach a very important trade agreement, it will be a very fair agreement, we want to achieve it and we will achieve it," he said.

Although he has repeatedly criticized Mae´s strategy on Brekst, Trump said on Tuesday that she had done "great work".

Near the meeting site, left-wing activists launched an orange-colored balloon that shows Trump as a baby wearing a diaper during a march outside the parliament building in London that stopped traffic in the capital.

The launch of the balloon marked the start of demonstrations expected to be against the White House master on the second day of his three-day state visit to Britain.

"Trump is a symbol of a huge movement against his policies that sow hatred and division," the organizer of the march, Leo Murray, told AFP.

Trump´s three-day visit will focus on the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landing in southern Britain.

But it comes at a time when Britain is experiencing political turmoil as Mai resigns from ruling party leadership on Friday because of her failure to implement Breakest, although she has not focused on many other things during her three years in office.

She will remain prime minister until an alternative is found among 13 candidates who will have to make tough decisions ahead of the October 31 deadline for withdrawal from the European Union after being postponed twice.

Before his arrival, Trump urged Britain to withdraw from the EU without an agreement.

He pointed out that former Secretary of State, pro-Brikrist Boris Johnson would be an "excellent" option to head the government and complete the process of withdrawal.

"I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the American people for the wonderful work and it was my privilege to work with you," he said.

But the "special relationship" between the two sides is being tested on the two countries´ divergent approaches to Iran, climate change and China.

The talks are expected to touch on Britain´s potential use of Huawei´s Chinese technology to establish fifth generation (5G) Internet networks.

A British government official told The Times that May would not make any "apologies" for its decision, which was reported by media reports to allow Huawei to manufacture some non-essential components in the next-generation mobile service.

The administration suggested that this would limit its ability to share intelligence with Britain.

During a breakfast meeting with heads of business groups, May said Britain would seek a "broader economic partnership" with its most prominent trading partner outside the European Union.

"It´s a great partnership but I think we can develop it more," she said.

May will present to the president a copy of one of the most important documents on the "special relationship" transatlantic - a framed version of the special draft Winston Churchill of the Charter of the Atlantic 1941, which set the goals of the allies after the Second World War.

Trump will hold a private tour with Mai in the "Churchill War Rooms" that the British prime minister directed during his wartime operations.

Their talks are expected to be accompanied by "loud demonstrations" by thousands of anti-Trump activists.

Opposition Labor leader Jeremy Corbin pledged to deliver a speech during the rally after missing a banquet hosted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace on Monday in protest against Trump´s policies.

He said the demonstration was "an opportunity for solidarity with those who attacked them (Trump) in America, around the world and even in our country."

Trump will conclude his day with a dinner at the US ambassador´s residence attended by Crown Prince Charles and his wife Camilla on behalf of the Queen.

"The Queen and the entire royal family were very impressive," Trump said in a tweet on Monday, describing the relationship with Britain as "very strong."