Trump pardons 15 people, including his former campaign aide

Trump pardons 15 people, including his former campaign aide

The White House announced yesterday that US President Donald Trump has pardoned 15 people, including his former aide in his election campaign, George Papadopoulos.

Papadopoulos was found guilty of making false statements in the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the general election.

Trump also pardoned Alex van der Zwan, whose conviction was also linked to the investigation of Special Adviser Robert Mueller into the Russian intervention, which Trump has repeatedly described as being pursued for political reasons.

Trump pardoned two former Republican lawmakers, Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, who were accused of federal financial crimes while in office.

Four military veterans convicted of involvement in an operation in Baghdad in 2007 on behalf of the private security firm Blackwater were also pardoned. They were responsible for the deaths of many Iraqi civilians.

Trump has also partially or completely reduced the sentences of five people for various offenses not related to politics.

Usually outgoing US presidents issue pardons in the final weeks of their mandate. Trump is due to leave office on January 20.