Trump addresses the Americans with a tone to vent the crisis

Trump addresses the Americans with a tone to vent the crisis

 US President Donald Trump announced this evening, Wednesday, January 8, 2020, that the American forces did not suffer any casualties due to the Iranian missile strike on the American bases in Iraq.

Trump, in comments commenting on the Iranian bombing of American bases, in response to the killing of Qassem Suleiman by the United States, said that "the American people should be grateful and happy, that no American or Iraqi was harmed in the Iranian attack," reiterating that we should work together to reach To an agreement with Iran, "noting that" Iran shows that it is relaxing and calming down, and this is a good thing for all parties and the world. "

He added that the United States will not allow Iran to possess a nuclear weapon, noting that the US administration will impose "painful" economic sanctions on the Iranian regime, accusing Iran of kidnapping Americans and hitting oil installations, and demanding the Iranian regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

Trump, in his brief remarks, announced the U.S. intention to impose new sanctions on Iran, and said his administration would continue to review other options to respond to Iran´s missile strikes.