Through smuggled sperm, the captive Muhammad al-Zitawi is given a twin

Through smuggled sperm, the captive Muhammad al-Zitawi is given a twin

 The wife of the prisoner, Muhammad Adel Zetawi, from Tulkarm, gave birth to twins, which she conceived by (sperm), smuggled from her husband, who is imprisoned for 25 years.

The birth took place at the Zakat Hospital in Tulkarm, and the two babies were named Tim and Dean.

His family expressed happiness about this event and the safety of the mother and newborn children, expressing the hope that her son will be released from the families soon and the rest of the prisoners.

The Prisoners Club and the Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority in Tulkarm congratulated the Prisoner Al-Zetawi and his family, wishing the new children a decent life.

It should be noted that the prisoner Zaitawi has been detained since November 16, 2006 and was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for belonging to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and has a daughter of Layan at the age of 14 years, and the child Ghaleb (4 years) who had been given to him 4 years ago through smuggled sperm Also.