Salfit .. a march condemning the settlement in the town of "Bedia"

Salfit .. a march condemning the settlement in the town of "Bedia"

Today, Monday, dozens of Palestinians participated in a march denouncing the settlers´ attempts to seize the lands of Bedia, a town threatened by settlement, in Salfit Governorate (north of the occupied West Bank).

During the march, which was called upon by institutions concerned with resisting settlement, with the participation of political figures and activists, the Palestinians raised Palestinian flags, and chanted slogans condemning the Israeli occupation.

On Sunday, two Palestinians were wounded by live ammunition, during an attack by Jewish settlers, on the "Khalat Hassan" area near the town of Bidya.

For several weeks now, these lands have witnessed razing efforts to build an Israeli settlement on the site.

It is noteworthy that the "Khalat Hassan" area has been subjected to many seizure attempts since 1982, the most prominent of which is fraud.

In 2018, landowners, in cooperation with the Wall, Settlement and Governorate Resistance Authority, extracted a decision from an Israeli court to return approximately 226 dunums of their land after an Israeli company seized it by fraud and forgery.