Thousands of Palestinian supporters demonstrate in front of the White House

Thousands of Palestinian supporters demonstrate in front of the White House

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in Washington on Saturday and protested in front of the White House, chanting “Free Palestine,” while Israeli bombing of civilians in the Gaza Strip increased.

Demonstrator Linda Houghton said, "What is happening today goes beyond the limits. It is despicable. We are watching people being killed by an army that this country supports."

Americans across the country held pro-Palestinian protests after Hamas's unprecedented attack on Israel on October 7, in which more than 1,300 people were killed and 120 captured, according to reports.

Until these moments, the Israeli occupation continues to commit massacres in Gaza, with an American and European green light, through violent bombing targeting civilians and children, in addition to cutting off water, food, and electricity supplies to the 2.4 million residents of Gaza, as well as preventing international aid from entering. to the Gaza Strip, killing more than 2,600 martyrs, and targeting entire families.

Ahmed Abed, one of the demonstrators who marched in downtown Washington in the shadow of Palestinian flags, said, “I wish we could do something. I wish we could stop the war,” adding, speaking of the besieged Gaza Strip, “They are in prison.”

Among the banners carried by the demonstrators were written: “Stop the occupation” and “Stop shooting now.”

In New York, the stronghold of the largest Jewish population outside Israel, hundreds gathered in Brooklyn on Friday to express their dissatisfaction with the Israeli attack, raising a banner that read: “Jews say: Stop genocide against the Palestinians.”