The White House is intensifying its campaign against China and says it will pay it the price of the Corona pandemic

The White House is intensifying its campaign against China and says it will pay it the price of the Corona pandemic

US President Donald Trump said on Fox News Monday that China had misled the world over the outbreak of the new Corona virus, without any doubt.

"I think they (the Chinese authorities) made a terrible mistake, and they did not want to admit it," he said, noting that Beijing had misled the World Health Organization, which was subsequently suspended by the US president.

Trump said that the World Health Organization "revolves around the orbit of China and does not oppose it for anything," adding that he decided to suspend the funding of the organization, which is awarded by the United States 450 million dollars annually, while China is funded by only 38 million dollars.

The US President made the remarks during a virtual conference broadcast by Fox News, during which he answered questions from journalists about the developments of the Corona virus crisis.

The conference comes at a time when some US states have eased orders that obliged Americans to stay in their homes, while others have kept these strict measures in place.

On Sunday (3/20/20), the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 112,246 cases of Corona virus in the country, an increase of 29,671 cases from the previous number, and said that the number of deaths increased by 1452 cases, amounting to 67,686.

The last days witnessed an American escalation against China in an attempt to put the blame for the spread of Covid 19 around the world on the Chinese government, as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday confirmed "tremendous evidence" that the source of the Corona epidemic is a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

He told ABC that "there is tremendous evidence indicating that this is his source", but he declined to comment on the question of whether he believed his publication was intentional.

Pompeo said, "China has a history of spreading disease infections around the world, and this is not the first time that diseases have arisen due to tests being conducted in China´s laboratories."

Pompeo pointed out that the world is now witnessing this pandemic because of China, which kept its disease secret at the beginning and withheld information about the whole world, and even used the World Health Organization as its tool.

US President Donald Trump told a news conference that there are indications that the Covid 19 virus is from a laboratory in Wuhan.