The US State Department: We ask our allies to join us to root out Iran´s malicious behavior

The US State Department: We ask our allies to join us to root out Iran´s malicious behavior

"The United States launched a multi-pronged pressure campaign against Iran to protect the American people and the United States allies from the threats of Tehran," said Erica Chosano, the State Department´s official spokeswoman.

"We are imposing tougher sanctions on the Iranian regime than ever, as it continues to pose a threat to the United States and the world ... Our sanctions deprive the Iranian regime of the resources it uses," the State Department spokeswoman said in comments to "Akhbar Al-Youm" today, Friday. To fund its malicious activities, Iran is forced to choose between stopping its destabilizing policies or facing more economic pressure and isolation. "

"We are working multilaterally to reduce Iran´s malicious behavior and to include allies and partners in our campaign. We ask every country that can no longer tolerate Iran´s destructive behavior to join us. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo exposes the brutality of the Iranian regime and the way it deals with the people Iranian, and will continue to expose the regime´s corrupt monopolies and twisted dealings and outright suppression of the Iranian people. "

Asked about the possibility of war with Iran, Erica Chosano, the State Department´s spokesperson, said: "The United States response was clear to Iran´s escalatory actions, which is that we are not seeking conflict with it ... We were equally clear with the regime and we have expressed We will defend our citizens, forces, and interests, including against the attacks by Iran or its proxies. The US-led maximum pressure campaign seeks to return Iran to the negotiating table and secure a deal that addresses the destabilizing regime’s behavior in a comprehensive way, not only its nuclear program, but also its missile program Khay and his support for terrorism and his malicious regional behavior. "

Regarding America´s stance with the Arab Gulf vis-a-vis Iran, Chosano, the State Department´s official spokeswoman, stressed: "The United States continues to work with our Gulf and international partners, to confront the threats of the Iranian regime and enhance regional security, freedom of navigation and the free flow of trade in international watercourses, as Iran poses a major threat For regional and maritime security, the Iranian regime has been involved in recent months in an escalating series of threatening measures and declarations, but we continue to call on Iran to confront diplomacy with diplomacy, not terrorism, violence, and blackmail.

As for Iran´s disavowal of its obligations in the nuclear agreement, Erica Chosano explained that "the Iranian regime uses its nuclear program to blackmail the international community and threaten regional security," stressing that "the brinkmanship policy that the Iranian regime uses will not enhance its chances of obtaining a nuclear weapon, but rather It will lead to more isolation and pressure. "

The world´s largest sponsor of terrorism cannot be allowed to enrich uranium at any level, and the appropriate amount of enrichment is zero for Iran. I stress that the United States will continue to place maximum pressure on the regime until it gives up its destabilizing behavior, including its sensitive work aimed at Nuclear weapons proliferation, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany have repeatedly highlighted Iran´s defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 calling for it not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be able to deliver nuclear weapons, and we recently included the International Energy Organization Yeh Iranian President Ali Akbar Salehi on the list of sanctions under Executive Order No. 13382, which targets proliferators and their supporters. "