China urges the United States to immediately stop the persecution of Chinese companies

China urges the United States to immediately stop the persecution of Chinese companies

BEIJING - China on Friday urged the US side to immediately stop persecuting Chinese companies after the US Justice Department added new charges against the Chinese technology giant (Huawei).

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang confirmed in a press briefing on the Internet that the Chinese government encouraged Chinese companies to cooperate in business abroad in accordance with local laws, market principle and international rules.

Geng said that the US side "abused its national strength to persecute Chinese companies without any evidence of any wrongdoing," adding that "this practice is shameful and immoral, and is inconsistent with the position of the United States as a superpower."

Geng said that US economic bullying practices are a blatant denial of the principle of the market, which the United States claims to defend. These practices severely undermined the reputation and credibility of the United States, as well as the interests of American companies.