The United Nations announces the displacement of nearly 400,000 Yemenis since the beginning of 2019

The United Nations announces the displacement of nearly 400,000 Yemenis since the beginning of 2019

The United Nations said today, Wednesday, that approximately 400,000 Yemenis have been displaced since the beginning of this year 2019.

And the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations, in a tweet via "Twitter" that "since the beginning of this year until now, nearly 393 thousand Yemenis have been displaced, mostly due to the conflict."

She added: "The International Organization for Migration works in partnership with the UNHCR in the Shelter Bloc to assist hundreds of thousands of displaced Yemenis in building their own shelters and setting up temporary homes for their families."

Last February, donor countries pledged to provide $ 2.6 billion to meet the urgent needs of more than 20 million Yemenis, but less than half of that amount was received, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen.

Yemen has been witnessing, for the fifth year in a row, a war between government forces backed by the Saudi-led military coalition, Houthi militants accused of receiving Iranian support, and controlling provinces, including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.

This war has left most of the population in need of humanitarian aid, while millions are on the brink of starvation, in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to United Nations estimates.


  • The United Nations announces the displacement of nearly 400,000 Yemenis since the beginning of 2019
  • The United Nations announces the displacement of nearly 400,000 Yemenis since the beginning of 2019