The shredding operations affected 780 trees: settlers cut 200 new vine trees in Al-Khader

The shredding operations affected 780 trees: settlers cut 200 new vine trees in Al-Khader

The settlers originated for the third consecutive day, cutting trees in the lands of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem, raising the number of trees that were targeted to cut to 780 trees.

The youth activist in Al-Khader, Emad Da`dou, told our correspondent that today, Saturday, the settlers cut down 200 vine trees in the "Fagur" area belonging to Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Al-Kata´a.

On Friday, the settlers cut down 300 vine trees in the lands of Nasser Ismail Marzouq in the "Zakandah" area, which is located between the settlements of "Daniel" and "Eliezer."

On Thursday, Thursday, the settlers of "Eleazar" cut down 200 perennial olive trees and 80 grapevine trees in the lands of Marwan Abdel Salam Salah and Anas Fathi Abdel Salam Salah, located near the "Eliezer" settlement, bringing the total of what was cut During the three days 580 vine trees, 200 perennial olive trees.