Sweeping lands and injuries during clashes in Qasra

Sweeping lands and injuries during clashes in Qasra

Today, settlers began razing lands between the towns of Qasra and Jureesh, south of Nablus.

Ghassan Douglas, an official of the settlement file in the northern West Bank, said that two bulldozers of settlers had started, since the morning, the razing of private lands in Al-Najma area near the main street east of the town.

In a later development, the people of Qasra repelled an attack by settlers in the southern region.

The mayor of Qasra, Muhammad Jaber, said that a group of settlers (Ish Kodesh) attacked the southern town of the town, and attacked an old shepherd with severe beatings.

The townspeople were able to repel the attack, and confrontations broke out with the occupation forces, who fired metal bullets and tear gas canisters.

The clashes resulted in the injury of two citizens with metal bullets, and they received treatment in the field. A third was injured as a result of his fall. He was transferred to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus for treatment.