The settlers are carrying out provocative tours in Hebron and breaking into a house.

The settlers are carrying out provocative tours in Hebron and breaking into a house.

Hebron _ Palestine News Network

Israeli occupying forces on Tuesday sealed off the main entrances to the Ibrahimi Mosque, while the settlers staged a major racist march from the Tel Rumeida area to the Haram al-Sharif and stormed a house on its way.

The Israeli occupation forces closed the main entrances to the Ibrahimi Mosque and the neighbourhoods of the old town, and intensified their deployment in the old town, in order to provide protection for the settlers who staged a march to the Ibrahimi Mosque, said the activist against settlement, Imad Jaber, who raised During which Israeli flags and racist slogans hostile to the Palestinians.

Concurrently with this March, a number of settlers stormed a house in the old town in the vicinity of the Israeli settlement, "Abraham Avenue", with protection from the occupying forces, which tightened its actions in the area and obstructed the movement of citizens and residents.