The Prisoners Authority: Health conditions of concern to a number of prisoners held in Hawara detention center

The Prisoners Authority: Health conditions of concern to a number of prisoners held in Hawara detention center

The Prisoners and Executives Affairs Authority reported that a number of prisoners currently housed in Hawara detention center suffer from extremely worrying health conditions, as a result of what they are exposed to by the detention administration in terms of deliberately ignoring their ailments and pain, and not providing the necessary treatment. To them, each according to his illness and suffering.

In this context, the Commission revealed, in a report, today, Wednesday, a number of pathological cases, including that of the detainee Ayesh Ismail Abu al-Esh (23 years) from Balata Camp, east of Nablus, who suffers from bleeding and germs in the stomach that make him vomit permanently. He was shown to the doctor inside the prison, but he did not provide him with any treatment, and upon his arrest, the occupation soldiers deliberately hit him on the stomach, which exacerbated his condition, and he urgently needs to be transferred to the hospital, but the prison administration procrastinated in transferring him.

She added that the prisoner Mahmoud Taym, from Ain Beit al-Ma camp in Nablus, complains of irregular heartbeat and nerve problems, and he often suffers from convulsions and loss of consciousness, and he has asked the prison administration to provide him with the medicines that he takes, but the administration claimed that the medicines are not available. And it was satisfied that he was presented to the detainee’s doctor to diagnose his condition without treating him, knowing that the prisoner needed careful medical attention for his condition.

The "Commission" referred to the case of the detainee Muhammad Abu Mustafa (17 years) from Nablus, who suffers from the effects of abuse and assault on him during his arrest, where he was severely beaten by the occupation soldiers and a number of young men at the moment of their arrest. About 10 soldiers attacked and assaulted them They beat them and stepped on them, and the soldiers deliberately tightened the handcuffs on the hands of detainee Abu Mustafa, which led to bloodshed from his hands.

It is noteworthy that the number of prisoners currently languishing in Hawara prison is 33.