The president of Brazil "gives" his son a diplomatic position

The president of Brazil "gives" his son a diplomatic position

Brazilian President Jaer Paulsonaro said on Thursday he planned to appoint one of his three sons, Eduardo, as ambassador to the United States.

Eduardo, who is currently a vice president, is a "friend of children" (President Donald Trump), speaks English and Spanish, and has very extensive experience in the world, he said on the sidelines of an official ceremony in Brasilia. Interest in working in Washington. "

Paulsonaro explained that the decision was due to his son, because he would be called on to abandon the duties of the prosecution, before being able to join the post in Washington.

Moreover, appointment to the important diplomatic post requires approval by the Senate.

The 35-year-old Eduardo Polsonaro is the youngest of the three presidents, all of whom are in politics, AFP reported.

The son said he had not yet received a formal proposal in this context. "If the president commits me to this task, I will be ready to resign," he said.

Eduardo accompanied his father on several trips abroad, especially during his official visit to the United States. He and his father shared a private meeting with Trump at the White House Oval Office.