The population of Palestine is more than 5 million until mid-2023

The population of Palestine is more than 5 million until mid-2023

The Central Bureau of Statistics said on Monday, “The population in Palestine reached 5.48 million people, as of the middle of this year.”

On the occasion of World Housing Day and Arab Housing Day, which came under the slogan: “Humanizing cities is one of the pillars of mental health for members of society,” the “Statistics Office” reviewed the most important indicators of housing conditions in Palestine related to indicators of sustainable development.

78% of the population resides in communities classified as urban, 14% in the countryside, and 8% in camps, while the estimated population density in the middle of this year reached 910 individuals/km2 in Palestine (575 individuals/km2 in the West Bank compared to 6,102 individuals/km2 in the Gaza Strip). Gaza).

81% of families live in homes owned by a family member

81% of families have their homes owned by a family member, 87% in the West Bank, and 70% in the Gaza Strip in 2022.

The percentage of families who live in rented homes in Palestine reached 7% (5% in the West Bank, compared to 10% in the Gaza Strip), while the percentage of families who live in homes without compensation or in exchange for work is 12% (7% in the West Bank, compared to 20% In the Gaza Strip), during the year 2022.

More than half of families live in apartments

The total number of families in Palestine who live in apartments reached 54%, while 43% of families live in dwellings classified as a house, less than half a percent of families live in a “villa,” and 3% of families live in other dwellings such as a separate room, or One tent, or another in 2022.

On average, 1.5 people reside per room in Palestinian housing

The average housing density (number of people per room) in Palestine reached 1.5 people/room in 2022 (1.5 people/room in urban and rural areas, compared to 1.8 people/room in camps), while the average housing density at the region level reached 1.4 people/room. A room in the West Bank, compared to 1.7 persons/room in the Gaza Strip.

5% of families in the West Bank live in crowded housing, compared to 9% in the Gaza Strip

5% of families in Palestine live in housing units with high housing density (3 or more individuals per room), (5% in the West Bank, compared to 9% in the Gaza Strip), and at the level of type of settlement, it reaches 6% in urban and rural areas, and increases To 9% in the camps in 2022.

The average number of rooms in a dwelling will reach 3.5 rooms in 2022 in Palestine, while the average is 3.5 rooms in urban areas and 3.6 rooms in the countryside, compared to 3.2 rooms in camps. As for the number of rooms in a dwelling in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it will reach 3.5 rooms, during Year 2022. 

Only 4% of the population of the Gaza Strip have access to safe, pollution-free water

Regarding safely managed water sources (defined as improved sources, used in the home, available when needed, and free of contamination (free from E-Coli bacteria)), data indicate that 40% of the population in Palestine have access to safely managed water. (66% in the West Bank, compared to 4% in the Gaza Strip). This percentage, depending on the type of community, reached 36% in urban areas and 67% in the countryside. This percentage decreased to 25% of the population in the camps in 2020.

59% of families live in homes connected to a sewage network

28% of Palestinian families in 2020 reside in homes connected to cesspits, and 12% of families rely on closed pits to dispose of wastewater, while a sewage network is available to 59% of Palestinian families, and 2% of families use other methods of sanitation. This percentage reached 96% in camps, 64% in urban areas, and 10% in the countryside, respectively.

Most residences have improved sanitation

99% of Palestinian families in 2020 have improved sanitation, which includes (a toilet connected to a public sewage network, or a toilet connected to a cesspit, or a toilet connected to a closed pit). As for the type of community, 99% of families residing in urban areas and camps have sanitation. Improved health compared to 97% in the countryside.

The number of licensed residential units will increase in 2022

The number of licensed housing units in Palestine (new and existing) reached 23,148 licensed housing units, with an average area of 167.3 m2, distributed among 21,447 licensed housing units in the West Bank, with an average area of 167.0 m2, and in the Gaza Strip, 1,701 licensed housing units with an average area of 171.0 m2, according to administrative records. Building permit statistics for 2022