Painful details revealed during the arrest of the Alqam brothers

Painful details revealed during the arrest of the Alqam brothers

Today, Monday, the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority published painful details to which the two brothers, Haroun Alqam (16 years old) and Mahmoud (12 years old) from the Shuafat camp in occupied Jerusalem, were subjected to them while the occupation forces arrested and interrogated them. 

The Commission’s lawyer, Heba Agbariyah, said that on 07/03/2023, forces from the Alimar Police stormed the two prisoners’ house at four o’clock in the morning, arrested them, tied them up, blindfolded them, then took them to the military jeep, and brutally beat them with their hands, feet, and sticks on the head. And all over the body without taking into account their young age.

She added: "They took them down to the Al-Mascobiyya interrogation rooms, forced them to kneel for about 3 hours, and prevented them from talking to each other. If they tried to communicate with each other, they were punished by beating them. At around eight o'clock in the morning, they brought each one into an interrogation room."

In this context, the lawyer quoted Haroun as saying: “They interrogated me from eight in the morning until five in the afternoon. I did not confess to anything, so they beat me as punishment. The next day, they brought me and Mahmoud into the same investigation room, and they interrogated us at the same time. Because I did not confess, they started beating Mahmoud in front of me and threatening me.” If I did not confess, one of them put the sword in my brother’s head and shouted at me saying, “Confess, or we will kill your brother Mahmoud.” Then I broke down and cried and told them that I would confess on the condition that you leave my brother and release him. Then they took Mahmoud out of the investigation room and returned him to the Al-Mascobiyah rooms, and the investigation continued with me. Until nine at night.”

She continued: "Mahmoud spent another night in Al-Maskobiyya prison, and on the third day in the morning, Haroun and his brother Mahmoud were taken to court. During the session, Mahmoud was released and Haroun's detention was extended."

She added: “After the court ended, they returned Haroun to Investigation 4, and threatened him if he did not complete his confessions as they wanted, they would re-arrest and torture his brother. He remained in Al-Maskobiyya Prison for 25 days, after which he was transferred to the Cubs Section/Damoun Prison.”

Haroun says: “The conditions in Al-Maskobiyya Prison are very difficult, as we are often beaten by the jailers. My son, Malik Dhib, and I were beaten because we asked for food. The jailers dragged us from the room to the clinic, where there are no cameras, and there we were beaten arbitrarily and without... Mercy".

It is noteworthy that the young man, Haroun Alqam, is currently detained in Damoun Prison, and no judgment has been issued against him yet, as a court is scheduled to be held for him on 10/17/2023.