The PLO condemns Israel´s call for a Palestinian child in Jerusalem to be investigated

The PLO condemns Israel´s call for a Palestinian child in Jerusalem to be investigated

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) condemned on Tuesday the Israeli police´s summoning of a Jerusalemite child who has not lived for more than four and a half years in East Jerusalem to investigate.

The human rights department of the organization criticized in a statement the international silence on the crimes and violations committed by the forces of terrorism of the settler government against the children of Palestine, the most recent call to the child Mohammed Rabia Alian, four and a half years with his father to investigate for throwing stones.

The Department said that this was "what it would have been without the support and cover of America and the silence of the international community for Israel´s practices outside the law and the international consensus."

"This crime, which violates international conventions and laws concerning the rights of the child signed by the countries of the world, which Israel has publicly practiced and which is contemptuous of the international community and its institutions and institutions, came in order to terrorize the Palestinian people and to send a message to him that no one can help him or protect him from their oppression."

It called upon the countries of the world "to abide by the international agreements, especially those related to human rights, and to prosecute and criminalize the government of the settlers and their leaders before the International Criminal Court, as provided for in these conventions and international law."

The family of the child Mohammed Alian yesterday received a summons to investigate from the Israeli police for his involvement in throwing stones at police patrols in the area of ​​his residence in the town of Issawi east of Jerusalem.

The father of the child, after a brief interrogation session with him today, that the Israeli police threatened to arrest his child and sent him to a rehabilitation center in the event of repeated participation in incidents of stone throwing in the direction of patrols.

But Israeli media said the summons was directed to the child´s father to warn him against the child´s involvement in riots and stone throwing.