The occupation suppresses a sit-in in Silwan and arrests a young man

The occupation suppresses a sit-in in Silwan and arrests a young man

The Israeli occupation forces suppressed, this evening, Tuesday, a protest in front of the house of the Jerusalemite, Nidal Al-Rajabi, owner of a commercial facility that the occupation demolished in the town of Silwan, south of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, this morning, and arrested a young man.

Citizens stated that the occupation forces closed the entrance to Silwan and deployed in the vicinity of Al-Bustan neighborhood, after the people of the neighborhood organized a sit-down in front of the Rajabi house in Al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, raising the Palestinian flag, and denouncing the measures and plans of the occupation to displace the residents of Silwan.

He added that the occupation forces pursued the youths, fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas and sound bombs, and arrested a young man whose identity has not yet been known.

And the occupation forces wounded 6 civilians with rubber-coated metal bullets, one of them in the chest, and others suffocated and bruised, this morning, Tuesday, during clashes that erupted in the Al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan town in Jerusalem, during the demolition of a commercial facility, with the expiry of the deadline for demolishing 17 homes in the neighborhood.