The occupation notifies 4 residents of stopping construction in Salfit and a notification of demolition in Bethlehem

The occupation notifies 4 residents of stopping construction in Salfit and a notification of demolition in Bethlehem

The Israeli occupation forces handed 4 notices to stop work and construction in the “Al-Marahat” area, west of the city of Salfit, and also notified a citizen in Bethlehem to demolish his house.

The mayor of Salfit, Abdel Karim Fattash, said that the occupation forces stormed the area and handed 4 notices to the farmers, including three notices to stop work on land reclamation, owned by the citizens Mahyoub Al-Zeer, Rayan Al-Jama’ini and Wael Al-Khuffash, and to stop building warehouses owned by Ali Shehadeh Odeh, on the pretext that it is a reality. In the area classified as "C".

It is noteworthy that the lands of the “Al-Marahat” area are subjected to continuous attacks by the occupation and settlers, and it is located near the “Al-Ras” area, which is threatened to be seized.

According to local sources, the occupation forces notified Ahmed Hassan Al-Masalma to demolish his house in the tunnel area in Beit Jala, Bethlehem governorate.