Gaza: decisions to compel vaccination for employees and workers in various professions

Gaza: decisions to compel vaccination for employees and workers in various professions

The Government Information and Information Center in the Gaza Strip announced today, Tuesday, a series of decisions taken to follow up on the commitment to prevention measures and to enhance access to the anti-Coronavirus vaccine, in light of the recent high infections and the entry of the mutated delta chain into the Strip.

Salama Maarouf, director of the Government Information Office, said during a press conference that it was decided to oblige public employees to receive the vaccine and instruct professionals and craftspeople, all chambers of commerce, and owners of bakeries and malls, to vaccinate service providers.

Maarouf pointed out that the joint committee between the ministries of health and education has been activated to follow up the commitment within schools to preventive measures and to start vaccinating the secondary stage from the tenth to the twelfth.

And Maarouf indicated that all government agencies were stressed to follow up on the safety and prevention measures that have been in place since the beginning of the pandemic in wedding halls, clubs, and others.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Awqaf instructed mosques to maintain safety procedures, and to stress the fatwas issued against those who fail to receive the vaccine and that they are "sinful."

The head of the Government Information Office stated that the Ministry of Interior decided to take several measures to keep pace with the developments in the epidemiological situation of the Corona virus in Gaza, and to confront the increase in infections in light of the third wave of the spread of the virus and the spread of the mutated strain “Delta”, and in the context of continuous efforts with other ministries.

For his part, Iyad al-Buzum, spokesman for the Gaza Interior Ministry, said that the equation for confronting Corona has changed, after it was closure and prevention, and today it has become vaccination and prevention.

Al-Buzam indicated that the Corona Police Department was directed to intensify its field tours to all service provision centers in the private sector, including commercial malls, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, markets, wedding halls, clubs, and other facilities, and the tours began since yesterday, Monday.

And he indicated that the Corona Investigations will immediately take legal measures against any facility that is not committed to following prevention and safety measures.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Interior in Gaza stated that the Crisis Management Cell held three consecutive meetings today, Tuesday, with representatives of the Association of Owners of Clothing Stores and Jewelers, and representatives of the owners of commercial malls, and the Restaurant and Hotel Owners Authority; With the participation of officials in the ministries of health and the economy, the attendance was placed in the form of the developments of the epidemiological situation, and they were emphasized to intensify their efforts in implementing preventive measures in all the mentioned sectors.

Al-Bozam pointed out that it was decided to compel all working individuals and service providers in all sectors to receive the anti-virus vaccine, and to give them a deadline for that until the first of next September, provided that measures are taken against any facility where it is found that none of its employees received the vaccine after this date.

“The procedures against establishments that are not committed to vaccinating their members may lead to closing the facility, imposing a fine against its owner, or stopping its transactions in the various ministries,” al-Buzum said.

He pointed out that it was decided to raise the degree of readiness in the Ministry of Interior and National Security to provide assistance and support to the Ministry of Health in implementing all measures related to confronting the developments of the epidemiological situation, noting that the hospital police began following up on the Ministry of Health’s decision to prevent visits to patients within departments within the prevention and safety measures, and to prevent entry to all Who does not wear a mask inside the hospital.