The occupation imposes a comprehensive closure on the West Bank and closes the crossings with Gaza on Purim

The occupation imposes a comprehensive closure on the West Bank and closes the crossings with Gaza on Purim

The Israeli occupation army announced, today, Thursday, the imposition of a comprehensive closure on the West Bank and the closure of crossings with the Gaza Strip on the occasion of the Jewish Purim.

The spokesman for the occupation army, Avichai Adrai, said in a press statement that "based on the assessment of the security situation and the directives of the political level, a comprehensive closure will be imposed on the West Bank, and crossings with the Gaza Strip will be closed on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Purim."

Adraee added that the closure will start from midnight on Thursday, Friday, February 26, until midnight, Sunday, Monday, February 28.

Adraee clarified that the commercial crossings will remain open during the closure, and only exceptional humanitarian, medical and medical cases will be crossed.