The occupation closes the road linking Qusra and Jalud

The occupation closes the road linking Qusra and Jalud

The occupation forces closed today, Monday, the main road linking the town of Qusra and the neighboring village of Jalud, southeast of Nablus, with earth mounds and cement cubes.

Local sources in the town of Qasra indicated that the closure of this street comes within the framework of tightening the noose on their town by the occupation and settlers, which means depriving hundreds of farmers of access to their fields and trees across this street, especially after the occupation forces closed other secondary roads several years ago. days.

Two days ago, the town of Qusra witnessed an attack by settlers under the protection of the occupation forces, which resulted in the death of the 20-year-old young man, Muhammad Farid Hassan, whose body the occupation authorities are still delaying in handing over his body under the pretext of conducting further investigations.