The occupation arrests a number of young men in Silwan and storms Al-Isawiya

The occupation arrests a number of young men in Silwan and storms Al-Isawiya

Today, Tuesday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested a number of young men during their storming of Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem.

According to Jerusalemite sources, the occupation forces set up a number of checkpoints at the entrances to the town, before detaining a number of young men, arresting some of them, and issuing violations to others.

In a related context, the occupation forces stormed the house of the prisoner Abed Dwaiyat in the town of Sur Baher and tampered with its various contents before stealing a sum of money from him.

Meanwhile, another force stormed the house of Yasser Darwish, a member of Fatah canton in Jerusalem, in the town of Al-Isawiya, and wreaked havoc there.